A New Way to Reach People Online with Brad Hill of Gloo

Podcast 362: Let's Pray with Andrew Carter

Praying is one act of obedience to God, but who knew it could also be part of your online evangelism strategy?

Pastor Andrew Carter has started making TikTok videos for Jesus and has since reached millions of people with his 15-second prayer videos. He’s always kind to pray for everybody that comes across his content. His videos are impacting the digital world in special ways and helping to respond to the Great Commission of Jesus.  

In this episode of the Social Media Church podcast, Andrew Carter, Lead Pastor at the Royal City Church in Los Angeles, digital missionary, and  kingdom-content strategist and creator, joins host Aaron Magnuson to share his powerful life story and all things he learned over the years in social media. Find out to know how his success on TikTok is leading more people to God.


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Aaron Magnuson Twitter

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Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson...

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Podcast 361: 7 Ways to Use Your Sermon All Week Long with Justin Trapp

Pastors may spend around 10.5 hours every week working on their sermons. This is more than what they spend eating their meals; they do this about 40 times a year. But what happens to a sermon once it goes online? 

It is essential that a pastor’s sermon is utilized even beyond the pulpit. There is so much more you can do with one sermon alone. You can repurpose it into other content formats and have your message reach more people. 

In this episode, Justin Trapp shares seven practical steps to leveraging your sermon in ways you didn’t even dream possible. Tune in to know more as our guest presents the importance of repurposing a sermon. 


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson TikTok

Justin Trapp Twitter

Justin Trapp Instagram

Ministry Pass




Social Media Church Discord

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Podcast 356: Calling Up The Next Generation

The generation who grew up and were shaped by technology are the ones who have the skills to use social media to their advantage and integrate the internet as a daily aspect of their life.

But how do you effectively preach the Gospel to the next generation through social media?

In this episode of the Social Media Church podcast, Aaron Magnuson, with guest speaker Sam D, talks about how the online church can use different social media platforms to successfully reach the next generation.

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson TikTok

Sam D Pinterest

Sam D Instagram

Sam D Discord

Sam D Twitch

Sam D Twitter

Social Media Church Discord

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Podcast 353: Top 5 Churches to Watch on Social Media

Who are the best churches to watch out for social media for inspiration?

Social media is one of the most powerful communication tools that your church can use. But sometimes it can be a struggle coming up with fresh, new, and creative content ideas all of the time.

In this episode of the Social Media Church Podcast, Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson share the top 5 churches to watch out for on social media. These churches are leading the way for the other ministries, especially when it comes to inspiration and engaging content.

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson TikTok

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 

Nils Smith TikTok

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Podcast 352: NFTs for Church

What are NFTs and how can they benefit the church?

With the rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, NFTs or non-fungible tokens have become quite popular as collectibles and investments to achieve personal and financial success.

In this episode of the Social Media Church Podcast, join Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson as they talk about the other benefits of NFTs that can help churches build ownership and how it can serve as a remembrance of their commitment and connection to your church.

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson TikTok

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 

Nils Smith TikTok

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Podcast 350: (Part 2) Discipling In The Digital World Using Discord with Jonah Wiley

Have you heard about Discord? 

Discord is an online digital platform that serves as a good  space to meet and chat with people — despite starting out with a very simple reason: how to communicate with friends while playing games online. You can opt to communicate through chat, voice calls, or face-to-face conversations with people from different parts of the world without a time limit. 

But how can this platform benefit the digital church in building a community and pointing others to Jesus?

In this episode of Social Media Church Podcast, join Nils Smith, Aaron Magnuson, along with Jonah Wiley, as they discuss how Discord has become an amazing tool to create communities, and how the church can use that opportunity to reach non-believers to help them grow more in their relationship with Jesus. 

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse


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Podcast 349: (Part 1) Discipling In The Digital World Using TikTok with Jonah Wiley

TikTok is the 3rd largest social media network and is taking Gen Z—and even millennials—by storm. But can it be used for an even bigger purpose: to preach the gospel to others and advance the Kingdom of God?

Many churches may be looking at their digital resources and wonder how they can be able to disciple people through TikTok. The good news is that you don't need a lot to create great content.

Join Nils Smith, Aaron Magnuson, and TikTok influencer, Jonah Wiley, in this episode of Social Media Church Podcast as they talk about utilizing TikTok to create engaging content to speak truth, discuss the Scripture, and encourage others. They share the limitless opportunity of this social media platform to reach non-believers with the Gospel.

Tune in to know more!

Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Aaron Magnuson TikTok

Jonah Wiley Facebook

Jonah Wiley Instagram

Jonah Wiley...

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Podcast 347: Are Small Groups Moving to the Metaverse?

Virtual and augmented reality are just some of the advancements in technology that we see being developed in this digital era. A lot of big names and companies have started to adapt with this concept. But what really is it, and how does it work? How long can the majority of the churches be able to adapt to this kind of setup?

Catch Nils and Aaron in this episode of the Social Media Church Podcast as they talk about virtual reality in the Metaverse and how you and your church will be able to use it in your ministries—be it in your small groups or in leading your worship services.

Tune in to know more!

Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse


Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin 

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Podcast 345: Is This the End of the SMC Podcast?

Let’s stop doing this in 2022!

And that is to stop convincing everyone but instead focus on those who stayed. Instead of increasing the number of followers, let’s improve the quality of the content we are delivering to help in improving our ministries to perform better in this fast-paced and ever-changing digital world.

Join Social Media Church host Nils Smith and Aaron Magnuson in this episode as they talk about what the future for Social Media Church is and is it really the end for #SMCPodcast?

Tune in to know more!


Show Notes:


Social Media Conference

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter 

Nils Smith Instagram 

Nils Smith Linkedin

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Podcast 344: UPDATE: from Aaron

We are finally in the post-pandemic transition phase in this fast-changing digital world. This team-up doesn’t sound so good but it’s happening now.

How are churches dealing with this transition? Is it safe to go out and hold physical church services like we used to? What happens to our digital presence?? How is this affecting our ministries??

These are just some of the many questions we’re answering together as we go through this transition season.

Join Social Media Church host Aaron Magnuson in this episode as he talks about Social Media Church’s challenges since the Social Media Conference last July (and what you, as a church leader can learn from it!), and many other exciting plans for the community here at Social Media Church.

Exciting times coming ahead! 

Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Nils Smith 

Nils Smith Facebook

Nils Smith Twitter ...

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