The Impact of AI on Church SEO

Podcast 400: Digital Evangelism Strategies with Mark Appleton of BGEA

In today's episode, we dive into the world of digital evangelism with Mark Appleton, where he shares invaluable insights into how evangelism evolved in the digital age. 

Additionally, we explore the challenges and opportunities faced, along with the power of storytelling in sharing faith, and gain a glimpse into the future of digital evangelism. Mark also shares effective strategies for reaching a diverse audience. 

Join us for a captivating exploration of how technology is transforming the spread of the Gospel and how we can make faith accessible to people worldwide. 


Show Notes:

  • Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) 
  • “Moodle” is a Learning Management System (LMS) used to manage, deliver and measure training and learning online
  • “Internet evangelism is also one of the core ministries of the past 10 years or so here. And it's taking that same idea. But leverage digital tools and technology to proclaim the gospel.” (Mark Appleton, 2023) 

Connect with Mark Appleton and the BGEA Community: 

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BGEA Website

Connect with Nils Smith:

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