The Impact of AI on Church SEO

Podcast 337: The Software Church Online Has Been Waiting For with Stephanie Leathe

It’s true that content is key when creating for an audience in the online world. We’ve seen its importance over the past year and a half.

But, churches are not only driven by content. What makes a difference in people’s lives, especially for churches, are the relationships and connections built through social media platforms.

To this we say –  conversation is King.

In this podcast episode, host Aaron Magnuson is joined by Stephanie Leathe, CEO and Founder of Altar Live – the software your church has been waiting for. 

P.S. Altar Live is giving away ONE YEAR FREE subscription to three winners of this much awaited software! Head to this link to learn more about how you can join. 


Show Notes:

Aaron Magnuson Facebook

Aaron Magnuson Twitter

Aaron Magnuson Instagram

Aaron Magnuson LinkedIn

Aaron Magnuson Clubhouse

Stephanie Leathe Facebook

Stephanie Leathe Instagram

Stephanie Leathe LinkedIn

Stephanie Leathe YouTube 

Altar Live Website

Social Media Church Podcast YouTube


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